Real people. Real results. See what they have to say:
I met Ivana Miles years ago
as a highly recommended hair stylist, that could correct my Spring color with her incomparable skills.
She didn’t just correct my hair color that day, she became a confidant and coach in so many areas.
From marriage, career, to kids, Ivana is a gentle heart that has lived through it and has an army of women that can relate.
When we gather, there is always a spirit of unity and empowerment. Ivana is a true gift to women, couples and moms around the country.
-Tifair Hamed
When I met Ivana, I was newly divorced, focused; my heart was healed.
My daughter was entering her first year of college, and I was turning 40. This may sound crazy, it was my season to get that book from my heart and into the hands of women who was crying out for help. It was time to PUSH that baby out and I came across Ivana post on social media at inspired me to PUSH.
She posted September 2020. It's finally here! Just as a women who have been pregnant and waiting for her full term delivery. It's birthing time! I feel like I have a work for you. Called "PUSH" push past your disappointments, failures, and hurts. Make up in your mind month 9 is my time. I'm speaking to all my dreamers and action takers! As a wife coach my job is to help those who have been called to the office of being a wife! Single, married, or currently divorce. It doesn't matter your current title. The reason you want to push is because you want to grow, and do things different. "Hey I get it" I can hear you whispering to yourself " Help me be a better wife"
I help women discover being happy and healthy wives. So that, they are better versions of themselves.
Maybe your still waiting on Mr. Right or perhaps your laying next to him every night and yet you also need to push to keep those flames burning. Sis, 'PUSH" Until we chat tomorrow about 'creating happy marriage begins with intention" have a restful evening and talk with you tomorrow.
#newbeginnings #newmonthnewgoals #wivesand mothers #marriedcouples #womeninbusiness #mompreneurlife
This post changed my life and I birth the book a sound mind the rebirth by Stacie Calvin
Thank you
-Stacie Calvin